What is the procedure for leaving process?

For the leaving process, please visit the management office of your current apartment.

You will be given forms to fill and will be ask to give the following information:
Sample Forms are attached below.

1.Leaving date・退去日

2.New address・移転先

3.Deposit refund bank account number・敷金返金先口座番号(only in Japan)

4.Room check date・査定日(they will suggest some options and you can chose one of them)

5.Deposit transfer claim with registration number of new house 仮予約受付番号(引継ぎ住戸)

Note: Once you complete this process with your signature, you can not change your leaving date. This is the only careful point.

Leaving Notice

Repair Bill

Remittance Request

What are the documents needed to submit on the contract day for UR housing?

1. Income certificate from your company or employer (original only)

*所得証明書 ”shotoku shomeisyo”

*The certificate has to show your annual income for last year.

*Deputation letter or Gensenchosyuhyo(源泉徴収票).


*Individual Contract: At least 3 million yen annual income.

*Family Contract: At least 4 million yen annual income.
2. Resident proof from your ward office (original only)

*住民票 ”Juminhyo”

*Your name and all of your family members’ names and visa status has to be on it.

*Items need to be checked (IMPORTANT!!!)
- 世帯主・続柄 Head of household・Relationship
- 国籍・地域 Nationality ・ Region
- 中長期在留者・特別永住者等の区分 Status
- 在留カード等番号 Card number
- 在留資格・在留期間・在留期間満了日 Resident status・Period of stay・Date of expiration
*Please check the application sample below for Shinagawa ward office
application form

3. Resident tax certificate from your ward office (original only)

*課税証明書 ”Kazei shomeisyo”

*Needed when there is a UR campaign.

Meaning of Japanese Apartment Layout Abbreviation

“1K”, “2DK”, “3LDK” are examples of how Japanese describe the sizes of apartments/houses.

The number indicates the number of rooms.

L = Living Room, D = Dining Room, K = Kitchen.

E.g. The layout on the left shows a typical 1LDK layout and on the right a typical 2DK layout.

Most LDK rooms has a bigger space and kitchen is separated, while DK rooms have smaller area and kitchen is not separated.



Difference Between 1K and 1DK

As you can see for 1K or 1R(Room), there is only a little space for the kitchen since there is no Dining area. While 1DK room has a separated room and a wider area in the kitchen.


How soon can I move in?

The UR requires 1 week after the contract has made. The UR will have to check and clean the house first. Therefore, it is better to search for the desired apartment early.

When and where can I receive the key?

You can get the key only on the day or after your move-in date. You will have to bring the receipt given to you by the UR on the contract dateto get the key at the management office in the apartment.

Are the utilities (gas, power and water) included in the rent?

No, utilities are not included in the rent. All utilities have different contract and connections should be done before moving-in.

How much is the repair costs when moving out of the room?

It depends on the damages made during your stay. In average, an individual who lived for 5 years on the same apartment pays around 20,000 to 30,000 yen.

When do I need to notify the UR office when I want to vacate the room?

You need to give 14 days advance notice to the UR when you wish to terminate and vacate the apartment. You have to submit a “Dissolution of Rental Housing Contract Notification Form” to the Administration Service Office, at least 14 days before your date of departure.


How much do we need to pay on the contract day?

2 Months deposit + daily rent amount from the move-in date to the last day of the month.

Are UR apartments safe from earthquakes?

Yes. All  UR apartments are made of either reinforced concrete or steel reinforced concrete that makes them strong to endure earthquakes. The UR agency also has regular inspection of the apartments and they also conduct earthquake tests to these buildings.