How to send letter or packages outside Japan?

Japan post is one the most convenient to send parcels to your love ones outside the country. Visit the link below for more information regarding instruction, rates, and other services.

How to register Gas, Electricity and Water?

Contact numbers for Electricity, Gas, and Water. (English Available)


★Electricity(Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba and Saitama Prefecture)


★Gas(Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba and Saitama Prefecture)



-Tokyo                - 03-5326-1100

-Yokoyama City  - 045-847-6262

-Kawasaki City   - 044-200-3137

How to get Internet Connection?

Wondering about how you set up internet connection in Japan?

In general, it takes 2 weeks to arrange internet connection. So it is a better idea to get it started early.
We do have the contact details of several internet providers that speak English, please see below.

A) NTT(FLET’S) – 0120-565-950(English)

B) KDDI – 0077-78-0081(English)


C) OCN - 0120-506506(English)


How to get accounting Support?

~Hashimoto International Accounting office~

Mr. Hashimoto has a lot of experiences with full English support and reasonable prices.

He continuously provide full support to clients and individuals for Japanese Tax, Social Insurances and management solutions.

We would like to introduce on 2 service examples:

1. Lump Sum Withdrawal Payment(Pension Refund) applications and Income tax refund after Pension Refund

2. Income Tax Adjustment for Refund


How to change the bicycle registration?

1. You can go to any bike shop that take care of bike registrations.

2. You have to bring your bike, I.D., and 500yen.

You will also have to bring the following if your bike was given to you by a friend,

「 自転車の譲渡を証明できるもの(譲渡書、防犯登録カード「お客様控え」等 which say, any document which you can show the transfer, such as the note which the last owner gave the bike to you, or registration card which you get at the former registration,etc.

Asked by Dipak san.

Discount Electronics Retailers

There are 3 major Electric Appliances store in Japan: Yamada Denki, Bic Camera and Yodobashi Camera. Most of their stores are large and located near the station so it is very easy to locate them. All of the stores give points when you buy things from them, and you can you these points when you come back and buy some other things.

However, only Bic Camera has English. The links will show you the location of each stores in the Tokyo area.

1)Yamada Denki -

2)Bic Camera (English) -

3) Yodobashi Camera -



Furniture and Appliance Rental


- is a well-known company for furniture and appliance rental. You can rent from 1 item to a package deal. You can rent from 1 month to 36 months with reasonable prices.




How to buy new affordable furniture?

New furnitures for a new home!

Reasonable and good quality


1. IKEA – Affordable furniture with good quality


2. Nitori – the stores for furnitures and interior goods

What is the procedure for leaving process?

For the leaving process, please visit the management office of your current apartment.

You will be given forms to fill and will be ask to give the following information:
Sample Forms are attached below.

1.Leaving date・退去日

2.New address・移転先

3.Deposit refund bank account number・敷金返金先口座番号(only in Japan)

4.Room check date・査定日(they will suggest some options and you can chose one of them)

5.Deposit transfer claim with registration number of new house 仮予約受付番号(引継ぎ住戸)

Note: Once you complete this process with your signature, you can not change your leaving date. This is the only careful point.

Leaving Notice

Repair Bill

Remittance Request

What are the documents needed to submit on the contract day for UR housing?

1. Income certificate from your company or employer (original only)

*所得証明書 ”shotoku shomeisyo”

*The certificate has to show your annual income for last year.

*Deputation letter or Gensenchosyuhyo(源泉徴収票).


*Individual Contract: At least 3 million yen annual income.

*Family Contract: At least 4 million yen annual income.
2. Resident proof from your ward office (original only)

*住民票 ”Juminhyo”

*Your name and all of your family members’ names and visa status has to be on it.

*Items need to be checked (IMPORTANT!!!)
- 世帯主・続柄 Head of household・Relationship
- 国籍・地域 Nationality ・ Region
- 中長期在留者・特別永住者等の区分 Status
- 在留カード等番号 Card number
- 在留資格・在留期間・在留期間満了日 Resident status・Period of stay・Date of expiration
*Please check the application sample below for Shinagawa ward office
application form

3. Resident tax certificate from your ward office (original only)

*課税証明書 ”Kazei shomeisyo”

*Needed when there is a UR campaign.